4 Ways to Build Confidence While Wearing Incontinence Products
Wearing incontinence products is nothing to be ashamed of. A loss of control can signal a health condition, but it can also be related to weak or overactive bladder muscles, nerve damage, an accident, or something else.
Whatever your reason for wearing them, it’s essential to know that you’re not alone and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. In saying that, there’s also no harm in being aware of the many things you can do to feel more confident while wearing them.
Know You’re Not Alone
Knowing you’re not alone is one of the stepping stones to feeling more confident and comfortable while wearing incontinence pads. Incontinence can be caused by bladder dysfunction, sphincter dysfunction, or both, and it happens to more people at more ages than you might think.
Women rarely experience incontinence early in life, but that can change around the time of menopause. The numbers also rise steadily between the ages of 60 and 80.
According to studies, up to 11 percent of men experience incontinence, and urge incontinence is one of the most prominent symptoms. This symptom is reported in at least 40 percent to 80 percent of patients.
Medical experts also believe that faecal incontinence is a common problem, especially in older adults, affecting one in three people visiting their healthcare provider. Between seven and 15 people not in nursing homes or hospitals are thought to have experienced faecal incontinence.
When you know that so many other people are experiencing the same problems as you, you may now feel less alone in your battle to feel confident in incontinence products.
Don’t Call Them Diapers
While many people and businesses can call incontinence products ‘adult diapers/nappies’, as an all-inclusive term, that doesn’t have to be phrasing you use. Refer to them as what they are on the packaging if that makes you feel better, such as all-in-one Advance® breathable pads, male guards, large-shaped pads, ultra-thin liners, or pull-up style underwear.
While some people may feel more than happy to call their incontinence products diapers or nappies, that doesn’t mean it’s a term you have to adopt if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Choose High-Quality Products
You may be surprised to learn that confidence can come from the fit of the products you use and wear. Choose products from reputable companies you can trust that offer a wide range of sizes and absorbencies.
For example, pull-up style underwear from Advance® is available in small, medium, large, extra large, and XXL, and comes in a super-plus absorbency for peace of mind. If you feel satisfied with your chosen product’s capabilities, you may feel more confident to wear them in a variety of settings.
You may also be pleased to know that some of the best brands like Advance® offer plenty of discreet options. No one ever has to know you’re wearing incontinence products as you go about your day.
Be Honest
Incontinence doesn’t have to be a deep, dark secret. Our bodies change as we get old, and some of our body parts don’t function as they used to. Be open and honest with your loved ones to reduce the stigma if you feel comfortable doing so.
Make jokes if you consider yourself a bit of a joker, and keep a sense of humour to put yourself in control of the conversation. It can take a while to get to this point, but you may feel better not being secretive about the products you need to use to keep yourself comfortable in everyday life.
What to Do If You’re Struggling With Your Mental Health
If the need for incontinence products has affected your confidence and mental health, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are many things you can do to improve your situation.
Talk to an Incontinence Product Specialist
Knowing that you’re having trouble with incontinence can be a lonely problem to have. You may not feel comfortable talking to your friends and family, but you need support from somewhere. Consider talking to an incontinence product specialist.
Not only can they listen without judgement, but they can also walk you through the best products to purchase. When you shop with leading incontinence product stockists like Continence Care, you can even receive free samples to ensure you choose the right products for your needs. Having this level of support can help ease your mind.
Get Mental Health Support
Sometimes, the help you need goes far beyond what an incontinence product specialist can offer. If you’re struggling with significant changes in your life relating to your incontinence, consider speaking to trained mental health specialists about how you’re feeling. They can help you learn coping mechanisms that may truly benefit your life.
Communicate With Family and Friends
Most importantly, communicate with your friends and family about what you’re going through. Your loved ones wouldn’t want you to bottle up your feelings, so talk to them about how you’re feeling and open up to them if you’re comfortable.